Wichita Public Library
of the

Donate to the Friends
Our Book Sales and Used Bookstore are not possible without your support. Proceeds from the sale of donations benefit the Wichita Public Library and all donations are tax deductible.
We Accept the following Donations:
Gently used children's books
Fiction and nonfiction
Travel books from the last five years
Homeschool textbooks from the last five years
Current college textbooks (older, gently used ones may be accepted)
Books related to computers or finance from the last four years
Popular legal books (intended for laypeople) from the last five years
Medical and nursing textbooks from the last two years
Publications about Kansas
Any Kansas school yearbook
National Geographic, business, finance, or sports magazines from the current year
Science magazines from the last two years
All other magazines from the last three years
All Kansas publications: cooking, home, garden and craft magazines, The New Yorker, History, Architectural Digest, American Heritage, and Civil War
Commercially-produced CDs, DVDs and Blu-rays
Sheet music and music books
Things to Consider
Ask, "is it in good condition?"
All items must be clean, dry, and mold-free.
We do not accept items that are dirty, moldy, burnt, chewed, wet, pest-infested, unhealthy to handle, or have an odor.
Unfortunately, we cannot accept
Books missing covers or pages
VHS tapes or audiocassettes
Time Life or National Geographic series
Local magazines
Small Donations
Take them to any Library location during open hours
Large donations
Large donations should be taken to the Advanced Learning Library and can be delivered during open Library hours. To make arrangements for the drop-offs, email